Music at Highbury School
This is a summary of how we deliver a music education to all of our pupils. It is split into four areas:
- Curriculum music
- Co-curricular provision
- Musical experiences
- Plans for the future
This information is to help our school community and any visitors understand Highbury’s music offer and who we work with to support our pupil’s musical education. More information can be found in the school’s music development plan or by contacting Tom Waltham, the music lead in school.
Curriculum Music
Our music curriculum is written by staff at Highbury School and is matched to the needs of our children. The music curriculum is informed by the national curriculum for music, the early years statutory framework, the sounds of intent framework and the national plan for music. The curriculum is supplemented by resources from companies such as Shabang! inclusive learning, Lau Lau Songdrawing and Music Express.
Children in pre-formal classes who are working on the engagement curriculum will follow the sounds of intent framework to develop their engagement with and enjoyment of music. These children will work through the ‘sound makers’ or ‘pattern makers’ objectives within the revised music curriculum pathway, which was updated in 2024. These music sessions can be part of 1:1 or small group work and can be delivered in short bursts throughout the week or as part of longer group communication sessions.
Children in semi-formal and formal classes will work through the ‘motif makers’ or ‘music makers’ objectives within the revised music curriculum pathway. These music sessions are mostly whole class sessions and can last up to 45 minutes. They are taught by our music and creative arts lead practitioner or class teachers. Sessions can often be cross-curricular and incorporate other areas of the creatives arts such as movement, drama and art.
We provide a range of musical opportunities outside of our core offer and these are all provided free of charge to our families. They include:
- 1:1 instrumental lessons with a music specialist for those pupils who show promise or good engagement with a specific instrument.
- Signing choir. Weekly sessions with the music lead in school. All children who wish to attend can and sessions last for 25 minutes. The children listen to, engage with and sign a wide variety of songs and styles of music from show tunes and children’s songs to folk and popular music.
- Bhangra Dancing Troupe. Led by our Bhangra dance specialist. These sessions are open to all who show an interest and last for 30 minutes. The movement to music is enjoyed by all who attend.

In addition to this we have weekly singing and signing sessions lead by our music lead in school which last for 25 minutes and is an open invite to the whole school. Some children will attend for the whole session, other children may choose to join us for one or two songs before returning to class.
Co-curricular Music
Music is ingrained into life at Highbury School and is used as part of our daily routines whether that be the hello song, weather song, toothbrushing song or our audio cues for transitioning around school or tidying up.
Musical Experiences
Music for our children is so important and can often serve as an additional communication tool not to mention provide such enjoyment.
We always try to provide a range of engaging and exciting musical opportunities within the school year and a few are listed here:
- Our annual ‘Songs Around the Tree’ event where parents join us for Christmas songs and a joyous morning of singing.
- Our school productions. This year we went live and staged our very own nativity with each class performing their own song live in front of their families.
- Celebrating our achievements through song, dance, sign and videos every Friday in our Highbury Highlights assembly.
- Music workshops with Calderdale Music Service.
- Music enrichment days with Shabang! Inclusive learning.
- Generative music exploration in the sensory room with ‘Trope’.
- Graphic composition workshops with Sophie Cooper.
- Visits out of school to the theatre to watch the musical adaptation of Zog and the flying doctor.
- Visits out of school to Shabang! Inclusive learning.
- Performances from our signing choir at key school events, assemblies and at the Calderdale Music Service Voices Together concerts.
- Performances from our bhangra dance troupe at key school events.

All events are provided free of charge to our families or for a small voluntary contribution as we realise how important these experiences are.
Plans for the Future
- Staff training on the updated music curriculum pathway and accompanying resources.
- Parental involvement in singing and signing to be encouraged as part of the changes to our celebration assemblies this year.
- More regular performance opportunities as part of our changes to celebration assembly.
- Music leads in school are to gain accreditation with Trinity College so we can provide the awards and certificates in musical development for our pupils.
- A thorough audit of music resources is to take place and new instruments are to be bought.
More detailed information can be found in the school’s full music development plan which is available on request.