Friends of Highbury
What is ‘Friends of Highbury’?
Friends of Highbury is a small charity which aims to make a difference to the lives of the amazing children who attend Highbury School in Calderdale.
We were started by parents with the aim of funding activities and resources for children attending the school.
Every penny we raise goes towards improving the lives of the pupils and we would be extremely grateful for any help and support you could provide.
Our biennial Friends of Highbury Ball provides a much-needed funding boost to enable the children to benefit from various activities and equipment that the school would otherwise be without.
But the day-to-day, month-by-month fundraising efforts are just as important to us.
Vital funds raised by the Friends of Highbury team of parents, grandparents, carers, and our supporters, have already helped subsidise a number of initiatives.
In recent times funds raised have been put towards buying specially adapted bikes, refurbishing the school’s much-loved soft play area, installing a specialist outdoor area at the school’s new ASD classroom, and helping to pay for a new outdoor classroom. We have also run a successful appeal to help the school buy a new minibus after ours was stolen.
In addition, we host Super Saturday events – allowing pupils and their parents and siblings to make use of the school’s resources at a weekend, and an annual trip to the pantomime.

How to get involved
A regular coffee morning is held at school following the Friday celebration assembly, which is a good chance for parents, grandparents, and carers to find out more about our work and how you could help. Come along and meet other parents as well as key members of staff.
You can also keep in touch with our work by joining our Facebook group at Friends of Highbury Development Fund, where you will find out about events and dates for your diary, as well as keep in touch with other parents and carers.
In addition, the school’s Facebook page is a great source of information, and a good chance to look at what is going on in school on a day-to-day basis.
One incredibly simple way you can support our work is through Easy fundraising. Whenever you shop online, you could be collecting donations for Friends of Highbury, just by buying groceries, booking a hotel, or switching your energy supplier. It all adds up and doesn’t cost you a penny extra. Head to easy fundraising and join for free, then simply remember to click through from the website or app every time you shop online.
To contact Friends of Highbury (charity no: 1130559), please email
For the latest Friends of Highbury News see below.