Designated Safeguarding Leads


The Designated Safeguarding Lead (or DSL) takes lead responsibility for safeguarding and child protection (including online safety).

Deputies are trained to the same standard as the DSL and the activities of the DSL can be delegated to deputies, however the ultimate lead responsibility for child protection remains with the DSL.

The DSL and Deputy DSLs attend training every two years and regular network training and supervision. They are given additional time, funding, training, resources and support to carry out the role effectively. The school is also supported in the delivery of its duties by Calderdale Safeguarding Lead Steve Barnes.

Their responsibilities include providing advice and support to other staff on child welfare, safeguarding and child protection matters, taking part in strategy discussions and inter agency meetings, and/or supporting other staff to do so, and to contributing to the assessment of children. They also ensure that everybody working at Highbury understands their safeguarding responsibilities.


Managing referrals:

  • Refer cases of suspected abuse and neglect to the local authority children’s social care Multi Agency Screening Team (MAST)
  • Support staff who make referrals to MAST
  • Refer cases to the Channel programme (Prevent Coordinator) where there is a radicalisation concern as required
  • Support staff who make referrals to the Prevent Coordinator

Raising Awareness:

  • Safeguarding and child protection policies are known, understood and used appropriately and are reviewed annually
  • Ensure the safeguarding policy is available publicly and parents are aware of the fact that referrals about suspected abuse or neglect may be made and the role of the school in this
  • Link with the Calderdale Safeguarding Children Partnership to make sure staff are aware of training opportunities and the latest local policies on safeguarding

The role of the DSL is fundamental to keeping children safe at school. There is a DSL on duty at all times. DSLs will work with key professionals in order to keep children safe.

DSLs can make necessary referrals to services outside of school hours. All information and key referral documents can be accessed electronically both at school and securely from home.